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For Lack of Better Title

--- Hey there, Popsicles! Today, I'm opening up about something weighing on my mind for a while now. it seems I can see it lurking in the shadows of my life like an uninvited guest at a party - the feeling of being an imposter in my own life.  You know that moment when you finally start to relax because everything seems to be going your way? Well, I barely get on that feeling for a solid 3 hours at a stretch; you know why? because there's no peace for me in this world. The moment I decide to curl up with a warm sock, a cold glass of yogurt, and my favorite book.  that's exactly when life decides to throw me a curveball. And me? Well, I decided to just stay delusional, I mean Staying Delulu is the Solulu  I've never been that person who juggles life like a pro, matter of fact if there's an award for people who suck at multitasking I would soar through and beat records. (now I imagine myself smiling like Simone Biles holding up medals) well in reality I probably would
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Finally out of the Drafts; Musing #1

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In the Drafts; Short stories that may never be good enough.

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Excerpts from my Notepad

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Uh-Oh its another rant session

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Never- A- Date

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